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Cosmetics for him: show your most fresh and natural side.
The cosmetics have always been linked to the female sector, but since they became in one of the most important aspects of daily care for our health and wellbeing, they are also important for men. Shaving, the beard, pollution and a lack of hydration are factors that influence the appearance and health of the male skin. Nowadays there is a wide variety of products and types of cosmetics everyday more extensive. Perfume's Club wants to help you know what are those products suitable for your skin type and age. We present you several guidelines and tips that will help you establish a cosmetic routine that will improve your image as well as will help the health of your skin.
The first thing to consider is the type of skin you have in relation to the products that we will apply to ourselves: oil-free cosmetics if you have an oily skin, alcohol-free cosmetics if it is too dry, etc. The next thing that you have to consider is the age of your skin in order to know what are those products that better suit the current situation of your skin, as well as your goals: tone, brighten, enhance...
To achieve a most fresh and natural look, you will have to consider the possibility of having the best shaving creams and aftershaves for your face. And to mitigate all the imperfections and possible damages caused by shaving, don't forget to always have a good exfoliator, tonic or serum.
Skin types
Each skin is different and not all the skin types accept in the same way the different cosmetics that we will use, so first of all it is important to know what is the type of skin that we possess. There are five skin types:
- Normal skin: this is the type of skin with more balanced pH, almost all kind of cosmetics suit them: doesn't irritate, is not prone to redness or common allergies (except in exceptional cases). You can use: moisturizing products with or without oil, all kind of tonics, cosmetics with alcohol or not, etc. Everything depends on the current condition of your skin.
- Dry skin: as its name indicates, are those that tend to dry, because of problems related with fluid retention. They are thin, somewhat tight and rough to the touch. The good thing is that they often don't have pimples or blemishes due to the lack of production of natural sebum of the skin. You must avoid creams and soaps with alcohol because they cause dryness, but instead you must use oily and moisturizing products. The use of emollient tonics also will help us.
- Oily skin: these are the ones that produce an excess of fat, especially in the forehead, nose and chin. They usually have a greater thickness and large pores. Because of this, it is not a sensitive skin type, but may be prone to acne and blemishes. We recommend using oil-free moisturizers, astringents tonics and moisturizers suitable for oily skin.
- Mixed skin: it is the kind of skin that lies halfway between an oily and normal skin. As oily skin, is prone to glare, but can also present dryness in other parts of the face. For this type of skin are also recommended oil-free products, but not astringent tonics because they can cause excessive dryness.
- Sensitive skin: it is a very delicate skin type that is easily dried or irritated and is prone to react badly to some components (perfume, alcohol ...) or to inclement weather. They may present redness, dryness, acne ... There are cosmetic products especially designed for this type of skin, with soft components and without perfumes or alcohol.
How to apply the cosmetics
Knowing how to apply the cosmetics properly is not an easy task, but if you know how to do it you'll be able to make the most of your products and accomplish more visible effects on your skin. In general, both for the face and the body, there are some essential guidelines, since in this case the order of the factors may alter our result.
The first thing it will be cleanse well the area where we are going to work before applying anything. Then, if necessary, we will exfoliate and tone the skin well, to finally apply the moisturizer. Finally, if your skin is sensitive or you are just going to spend hours exposed to the sun, it is advisable applying sunscreen always at the end of the whole process.
With this you have the basic steps to follow a good skin care routine that will help you show the best side of your skin.
General composition of the cosmetics
In the same way that the skin is important, so is knowing what are the basic ingredients of the cosmetics that we are going to apply to our skin and what are the active ingredients that will allow us to get the results we desire.
In the overall composition of the cosmetics, we can distinguish: the active ingredient, the excipient, preservatives, dyes, fragrances and correctors.
- Active ingredient: is responsible of making a product fulfill its specific function. For example, the detergent components in soaps and cleansers, used to help cleanse the skin.
- Excipients: is the component that transports and mixes the active ingredients and the rest of substances that conform the product. These would be, for example, the alcohol in a gel, responsible for its liquid texture, or the petrolatum in a cream.
- Preservatives: are substances that help the conservation of the cosmetics and gives them a longer efficient life to the product. Contrary to common belief, the cosmetics always need this component because its deterioration after being open is quite fast. The antimicrobial preservatives and antioxidants are essential both to prevent oxidation of the active ingredients of the product and to prevent and protect it against contamination of bacteria and fungi.
- Dyes, fragrances and correctors: these are the responsible for the color and aroma of the product we are using. A product made without these characteristics could present muddy colors or too strong odors, or even need some correction in its pH. For this reason, the dyes and fragrances will give that attractive and pleasant touch to our skin.
Achieve different results using your cosmetics
Choosing the cosmetics we like is important because they usually end up becoming our sign of identity, and even more the way we use them. This will reflect greater efficiency in our skin and will make us have a fresh and differentiated appearance.
Don't hesitate to always choose those products that are more beneficial to the parts of the face or body that you want to enhance. To do this, we'll give you some tips you can follow when making your decision:
- Don't be afraid to mix different types or brands of cosmetics because, despite the popular belief that the mixture is harmful or ineffective, what really matters is knowing how to apply them.
- You should never expect miraculous or too fast results from your cosmetic treatments. Think that the active ingredients are not all that will help you improve the look of your skin: factors such as a healthy diet, exercise or sunbathing are equally important and necessary for this process to succeed.
- Use specific products to treat the problems that your skin may present. Often we settle by applying those generic products in areas of the body that we want to favor, but this would be insufficient. For example, if your goal is to eliminate dryness and roughness of the hands, elbows or knees don't settle by using any moisturizing cream; choose one that is specific for that part of the body and you will end up getting faster and more direct results.
- Don't use specific treatment creams before having the real problem on your skin. For example, it is wrong to use a wrinkle cream when we are too young with the belief that we are going to prevent its occurrence or an anti-stretch mark cream when we are in strong hormonal processes and we think we will help prevent their appearance. The truth is that if you use these products prematurely you will achieve the opposite effect: your skin will become more dependent of these cosmetics and you will end up exacerbating these problems if you stop using them.
Following these tips and guidelines when you go to choose and use your cosmetics, we assure you that you will be able to achieve a fresh and neat beauty.