Pred več kot tremi desetletji je Alcántara Cosmética vstopila na trg in ponujala distribucijo in ustvarjanje svojih kozmetičnih izdelkov profesionalcem v frizerski in estetski niši. Danes sodi med najvidnejša podjetja v sektorju, tako na nacionalni kot mednarodni ravni, kar je rezultat svojih velikih prizadevanj in krepitve svojih stebrov. Znalo se je uveljaviti kot sodobno in dinamično špansko podjetje z odlično projekcijo, podprto s kakovostjo svojih izdelkov in storitev.
Alcantara is a well-known product brand of hair care. The Alcantara brand offers a whole host of possibilities with an unbeatable quality in hair and haircare products and much more, with products and treatments for all hair types: dry, coloured, greasy, etc. The many hair product ranges are must-haves in the world of hair care. Find Alcantara products online at a very special price in Perfumes Club. Treat your hair to the very best, with the best hair products!